As we enter into 2023, we want to be clear about who we are as a church family, and where we are going. As we begin, we’ll take time to reflect on our own personal lives and the rhythms and patterns that are forming who we are becoming.
We will also take a full Sunday Gathering to consider our mission statement, “Forming disciples of Jesus Christ, in community, through the gospel, for God's glory." We’ll talk about what a disciple is, and our plan for how we envision disciples being formed.
Understanding our church identity is quite significant and we want it to shape who we become, so we’ll take some time to explore what it means to be a “Family of Servants and Missionaries.”
With Doxa, we also have a set of Core Values that we are driven by, and so we’ll take a Sunday to explain these, and give some practical examples of how we see this working out. - Worship and Beauty - Gospel Centrality - Authentic Community - Missional Journey - Justice and Mercy.
And then on the last Sunday of January, we’ll have an extended time of worship and prayer together, asking the Lord to bless us, that we might be a faith community, who is passionate about forming disciples of Jesus Christ, for his glory.
Come and join us!